Blue Room Consortium is being organized as a nonprofit corporation in New Mexico. This is justified by its educational and scientific projects and will enable BRC to receive tax-exempt donations, grants, and contributions.
Operations and Administration
In its start-up phase for 1-2 years, the Blue Room Consortium physically will be a home-based company based in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Richard Leviton, its founder-director, will work from his home office space, already functioning as a research, writing, meeting, and coordination space. The initial employees or consultants will work out of their own homes and have weekly in-person meetings with Richard Leviton and daily phone and e-mail contact with him. Meeting space for workshops, talks, and trainings will be rented in Santa Fe.
Beginning in year 3, dedicated space for offices and meetings will be secured. Initially, this space will be rented or leased. Office space required will be 2,000 square feet minimum to accommodate a staff of 5(1,300 square feet) and a public meeting-classroom space (about 700 square feet).
The long-term plan calls for buying or constructing a suitable facility in Santa Fe County on the order of 4,000 to 5,000 square feet to accommodate all functions and aspects of BRC operations. This building (estimated cost: $5 million) will be funded separately and subsequently from the initial funding.
Blue Room Consortium staff includes a director, assistant director, administrative assistant-marketing manager, office manager, research model director, research assistant, software modeller, data base manager, and on a contractor-consultancy basis an astrologer, accountant, and lawyer.
For investor-based information and a copy of the Business Plan, contact Richard Leviton: blaise@blueroomconsortium.com
