SUPPLEMENTAL: As a supplemental Class 6, I read your relationship with your local landscape (where you live) or your favorite sacred site, and identify and deal with any unresolved karma or energy obstacles and highlight opportunities for you. The reading may also identify the best sacred sites specifically for you to visit, based on energy congruence, karma, or the match of its geomantic features with your interests.
HOW LONG DOES IT LAST: 5 classes of two-hours each; the first class is a 2-hour reading to identify and resolve energies, karma, and pictures interfering with your opening up a relationship with the planet and its master deva, Gaia. The remaining 4 classes are each a 2-hour tutorial in developing Gaian tools and practices. One class per week, although, if requested, you may do a maximum of 2 per week.
WHY DO IT: With the acceleration of Earth changes and their impacts on sociopolitical and personal-psychological realities, it’s imperative to declare your relationship to the master ensouling spirit of the planet, known as Gaia. I call this “joining the campaign with Gaia to save the Earth.” Be identified by the Earth as a player who can make a difference, and make a difference by learning how to interact with the Earth using a combination of geomantic and clairvoyant tools and practices. With the change in political administration in the U.S. and, astrologically, the entry of Pluto into Capricorn, great opportunities for change are in the air. This class helps ground them in your life and shows you how to productively participate in them.
WHAT DOES IT COST: $260 per class, payable 24 hours before class time by PayPal. You may pay weekly for each class, but payment must precede the class. If you live in the U.S., you may alternatively pay by check, but it must arrive before the class.
HOW DOES IT WORK: We agree on a class time, preferably the same time on the same day for seven weeks running. This helps ground or stabilize the class for you and makes it easier for you to have its benefits. You call me at the exact time agreed, having freed your schedule for two hours of any interruptions or obligations.
RESCHEDULING: This must be done at least 24 hours before class time. Wherever possible, I recommend you make no changes in your class time; the unchallenged regularity of the classes makes it easier for you to get maximum benefits from them. Sometimes our unconscious tries to find ways to oppose or obstruct what we wish to do in our waking state; sometimes a desire to reschedule is fed by this.
WHAT QUALIFIES RICHARD LEVITON TO DO THIS: Over 9 years of professional clairvoyant training and certification and an on-going professional reading practice; 25 years of field work, research, and geomantic exploration; leading workshops and field trips; and a body of visionary experiences with the Earth and its numerous sacred sites and their energy features.
FOR INFORMATION OR BOOKINGS: For more information, call Richard Leviton, Monday-Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. MST, at: 505-466-2814. Or email Richard Leviton: or Or click the PayPal button below to register for your first class.
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1 Two-hour Gaian class: $260 |
