WHY DO IT:Many tours take you to the sacred sites of a country but don’t give you effective, reliable tools for accessing the site’s Light temple reality. Geomantic immersion training equips you with these tools, provides you with a body of direct field experience to validate their effectiveness, and inspires you to do it on your own when you return home or if you visit other sacred site landscapes. The Santa Fe landscape of northern New Mexico is beautiful, stunning, and invigorating, and it’s packed with geomantic features and intriguing geomyths that describe them. Even better, come have fun, excitement, freedom, inspiration, havingness (the ability to have what you want) and feel grounded with respect to the changing Earth.
WHO DIRECTS IT: Richard Leviton is your geomantic tour guide to the outer and inner aspects of the numinous landscape of Santa Fe. Leviton has spent the last 25 years researching and interacting with the Earth’s geomantic terrain and leading groups and individuals in adventures and explorations into its mysteries. The author of 20 books, Leviton’s newest (Fall 2008) is Visionary Geography Up Close. A Geomantic Anatomy of Santa Fe, New Mexico.
WHEN IT RUNS: Monday-Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. You select the suitable week, though time slots in the spring, summer, or autumn are preferred.
WHAT IT COSTS: $2,600 U.S. per person plus expenses (park fees, gas); 25% due in advance on booking, the remaining 75% two weeks before the program starts. Participant is responsible for lodging, meals, and airport transportation.
REFUNDS: Refunds on the deposit are given only if cancellation notice is received at least 3 weeks and no later than 3 weeks before program start date.
FOR INFORMATION OR BOOKINGS: Richard Leviton, blaise@cybermesa.com or blaise@blueroomconsortium.com or call: 505-466-2814 (during business hours, 9.am. to 5 p.m., Mountain Standard Time).
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WHAT IT IS: A 5-day inner adventure in a personally directed, one-on-one tutorial framework set in the geomantic terrain in and around Santa Fe. Experience the authentic Christ, free of dogma and religion, in a unique 10-stage immersion experience. This is a deeper layer of penetration into the dynamics and spiritual processes of a sacred landscape. The Christ energy is implicit in the planet’s subtle fields; learn how to “plug” yourself into it for a transformative experience. Pre-requisite: the 5-day introductory immersion experience. One-on-one means one participant-one teacher.
WHAT YOU DO: Create a spiritual scaffolding within yourself to enable the authentic Christ to infiltrate your total being in the context of sacred landscape nodes. This cumulative experience, developed over a 5-day period, enables you to share your experience of the Christ with the landscape itself, so that both individual and planet benefit from the activity. Every day you will do meditative activities to ground the incoming Christ infusion, both personally and for the land, and visit important landscape sites already primed with the Christ consciousness.
WHY DO IT: Participate in an original method of incorporating the Christ into the reality of your personal space in a method transmitted directly from the angelic realm to make these energies suitable and geomantically based for our time. Learn directly how to be an intermediary between heavenly and terrestrial energies.
WHO DIRECTS IT: Richard Leviton is your geomantic tour guide to the outer and inner aspects of the numinous landscape of Santa Fe. Leviton has spent the last 25 years researching and interacting with the Earth’s geomantic terrain and leading groups and individuals in adventures and explorations into its mysteries. The author of 20 books, Leviton’s newest (Fall 2008) is Visionary Geography Up Close. A Geomantic Anatomy of Santa Fe, New Mexico.
WHEN IT RUNS: Monday-Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. You select the suitable week, though time slots in the spring, summer, or autumn are preferred. Logistically, this typically runs the week following the introductory immersion experience, which is its pre-requisite.
WHAT IT COSTS: $2,600 U.S. per person plus expenses (park fees, gas); 25% due in advance on booking, the remaining 75% two weeks before the program starts. Participant is responsible for lodging, meals, and airport transportation.
REFUNDS: Refunds on the deposit are given only if cancellation notice is received at least 3 weeks and no later than 3 weeks before program start date.
FOR INFORMATION OR BOOKINGS: Richard Leviton, blaise@cybermesa.com or blaise@blueroomconsortium.com or call: 505-466-2814 (during business hours, 9.am. to 5 p.m., Mountain Standard Time).
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I'm paying 75% ($1,950.00) today: |
I'm paying the total amount ($2,600.00) today: |

WHAT IT IS: 5 days of walking among the stars on Earth in a personally-directed, one-on-one tutorial framework. The planet has been equipped with over 400 holograms of a relevant and selected portion of the Milky Way Galaxy, including the stars and constellations associated with the horoscope. A landscape zodiac is a miniature, interactive holographic starwheel of 144 constellations and hundreds of stars spread out over a variable amount of landscape, ½ mile to over 100 miles. It was designed to help us interact with the energies that constitute our essence while at the same time enabling us to feed the planet and local landscape with light. Santa Fe has a landscape zodiac, roughly 20 miles in diameter. The 5-day workshop is an intensive field experience and immersion into the realities of this landscape zodiac. Pre-requisite: the 5-day introductory immersion experience. One-on-one means one participant-one teacher.
WHAT YOU DO: Each day you visit key nodes in the landscape zodiac star pattern in and around Santa Fe, and learn how to effectively interact with them in a visionary mode. Sites include Canis Major (the Great Dog, guardian of the star wheel), Ursa Major (home of the Great White Brotherhood), the Cosmic Egg and Great Stream, Draco (our galaxy’s representation of the primordial cosmic dragon), the Four Royal Stars, the zodiac dome’s 4 directional guardians, Albion (the zodiac’s soul), and much more.
WHY DO IT: Landscape zodiac interactions are an authentic component of the once and future mysteries and initiations in the path of the Grail Knight in the Arthurian mythos. This is a protocol, involving symbolic and geomantic aspects, that provides an effective path for men and women today to engage with the Earth through its Light body. The landscape zodiac is a powerful workshop for exploring and assimilating key energies that comprise the human and planet. Very few landscape zodiacs have been fully or accurately mapped at this point; the Santa Fe star pattern in contrast is now well-documented, making it a valuable and practical venue, not to mention a rare opportunity, for exploring these realities.
WHO DIRECTS IT: Richard Leviton is your geomantic tour guide to the outer and inner aspects of the numinous landscape of Santa Fe. Leviton has spent the last 25 years researching and interacting with the Earth’s geomantic terrain and leading groups and individuals in adventures and explorations into its mysteries. The author of 20 books, Leviton’s newest (Fall 2008) is Visionary Geography Up Close. A Geomantic Anatomy of Santa Fe, New Mexico.
WHEN IT RUNS: Monday-Friday, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. You select the suitable week, though time slots in the spring, summer, or autumn are preferred. Logistically, this typically runs the week following the introductory immersion experience, which is its pre-requisite.
WHAT IT COSTS: $2,600 U.S.per person plus expenses (park fees, gas); 25% due in advance on booking, the remaining 75% two weeks before the program starts. Participant is responsible for lodging, meals, and airport transportation.
REFUNDS: Refunds on the deposit are given only if cancellation notice is received at least 3 weeks and no later than 3 weeks before program start date.
FOR INFORMATION OR BOOKINGS: Richard Leviton, blaise@cybermesa.com or blaise@blueroomconsortium.com or call: 505-466-2814 (during business hours, 9.am. to 5 p.m., Mountain Standard Time).
Sign up for PROGRAM 3 now using PayPal! It's fast and secure: |
I'm paying 25% ($650.00) today: |
I'm paying 75% ($1,950.00) today: |
I'm paying the total amount ($2,600.00) today: |
